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I am Nabin, a multidisciplinary designer striving to create a difference through design!

About Me 🤔

Greetings! 🙏 I'm Nabin Dahal, a Versatile Designer with a passion for weaving magic in the world of web development and digital media. Transforming complex problems into simple, beautiful, and intuitive designs is not just a job for me – it's a calling.

At the heart of my work is the mission to craft websites that seamlessly marry functionality with user-friendliness, all while radiating an irresistible charm. I believe in adding a personal touch to every project, ensuring that your product not only meets its technical requirements but also stands out as a visually striking and effortlessly navigable masterpiece!

Skills 🛠️

Web Development

Crafting Highly qualitative and beautiful web experiences

Graphic Design

Transforming raw concepts into visual wonders.

Motion Design

Making ideas come alive, adding energy to still graphics.

User Experience

Designing user-focused intuitive digital interfaces.

Software I use ⚙️

icon of adobe creative cloud

Adobe Creative Suite

icon of figma


icon of davinci resolve

Davinci Resolve

icon of sketch


My Works 🎨

Motion Design
Graphic Design
Work 1

Personal Portfolio

My personal portfolio site project

Work 2

Balancify - Finance App

UI Screens for finance-management app

Work 3

Notetaking App

Dashboard UI for a personal notes app

Work 4

Music App

Home Screen UI for a music app

Contact Me 📞

Get in touch with me, to discuss a project, or... just to say hi!